Dr. Auma Obama was born and raised in Kenya. She studied in Germany, obtaining a Master's Degree at the University of Heidelberg, completing her doctorate studies at the University of Bayreuth with a doctoral thesis and graduated at the Berlin Film and Television Academy.
On completion of her studies Dr. Obama freelanced as a Journalist for various media houses and as a Consultant for Adult Political Education for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft. She then moved to the United Kingdom where she worked briefly as a German Lecturer at the University of Reading, later in Marketing and finally for the Children’s Services. 2007 she returned to Kenya to work for the humanitarian agency, CARE International. A key component of her work there, was the creation and coordination of the "Sport for Social Change Network", an initiative that brought together grassroots organizations from various countries in Africa and Southern Asia, using sport as a tool for social change.
In 2010 Dr. Auma Obama Founded the Sauti Kuu Foundation in Kenya, that in 2011 was also registered in Germany. The Foundation seeks to give a voice to financially and socially disadvantaged children and youth. Using a Self-Help Model of intervention it works to unlock their potential and enable them to actively participate in improving their lives.
Dr. Obama is a member of the World Future Council, which advocates for responsible and sustainable action to identify and enable the application of holistic solutions on a wide range of global issues, influence policymaking, and thus help secure a healthy intact world for future generations. She is also on the Advisory Board of the German Museum in Munich. Other positions she has held or currently holds are that of Ambassador of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), Advisory Board Member of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity, University of Vienna, Austria, since 2018, Patron of the Storymoja International (Literary) Festival, Kenya, Board Member of the Jim Button Foundation, Trustee of the Jacobs Foundation 2011 – 2015, Trustee of the Stiftung Lesen (German Reading Foundation), 2015 - 2017, alumni of the Rockefeller Foundation‘s Bellagio Centre Residency Program, Bellagio, Italy 2016.
Dr. Obama is also the initiator of the Sauti Kuu Act Now Awards, which was launched in Berlin in 2015. The event recognized children and young people who dedicate themselves to and have an impact on their social, humanitarian, and environmental work.
2010 Dr. Obama became a published author when she wrote her memoir ‘Das Leben Kommt Immer Dazwischen’, first published in German and then in English in 2012, titled ‘And Then Life Happens’.
Dr Obama is also an awarded international Speaker, who has given numerous presentations worldwide on sustainable Socio-economic Growth and Development, with special emphasis on the relationship between the ‘Developed’ and ’Developing’ World.
For her humanitarian work, Dr. Obama has been awarded numerous prizes, including the:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGGsnKARCyM&t http://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/07/24/obama-half-sister-kenya-youth-baldwin-pkg.cnn
Sauti Kuu’s goal is to create a platform for disadvantaged children and young people worldwide that allows them to uncover their strength and realise their full potential to live independent successful lives.
For A stable Future
The goal of Sauti Kuu is to create a platform for disadvantaged children and youth worldwide to discover their strengths and realize their full potential in order to lead independent, successful lives.