German Projects

You are Your Future Workshop Tutzing - Lebenslust statt Lebensfrust

The generous support of Ferrero Germany enabled Sauti Kuu to hold a workshop for 30 disadvantaged young people living in Germany. The workshop was held on the idyllic shores of Lake Starnberg in the Tutzing Academy in Tutzing, Germany. 

The concept of the workshop was simple. Interesting and famous personalities were invited to facilitate the workshops and share their work and life experiences with the young people to give them an insight into their professions and show them that they too have options and must not give up on making something of their lives. Under the motto ‘You are Your Future’, the young people were encouraged to take responsibility for their lives and have a positive outlook (Lebenslust statt Lebensfrust).

Joachim Fuhrländer, wind-energy guru from Westerwald, held a workshop that posed the question: ‘Do you know that you are valued?’ Sebastian Hämer, a well known pop musician, did a singing and music composition session. Eva Lutz from the former fashion house Minx by Eva Lutz, and Burda Style - the most widely read creative fashion magazine that brings the craft of sewing and fashion to millions around the world, gave the young people sewing and fashion tips, teaching them how to make day bags and redesign and style-up old T-Shirts. Frederic Kimmel, a star make-up artist, based in France and Los Angeles, did a make-up session with the theme: ‘How can I bring out the best in me?’ 

Susanne Hartmann und Frederike Reif from ASB in Bonn did exercises with the youth on ‘Trust and Group Dynamics’. Even Willi Lemke (Ex-President of the Werder Bremen football club and Sauti-Kuu Board Member), who had very little time to spare, made a point of attending the workshop for two hours to talk to the young people about ‘Staying positive about life’. And Auma Obama, Founder of the Sauti Kuu Foundation talked to the group about ‘Opportunities and Choices’.

The young people between 14 and 18 years came from five different German organisations: Tabaluga, Maria im Walde Foundation, Albert-Schweizer-Familienwerk e.V., Roland Berger Foundation und Freudentanz (Caritas Munich).

The workshop was a great success for all. All who participated, both the young people and the facilitators, left having gained a lot from the three days experience. It was agreed by all that the workshop was just the start of a great initiative that would be continued in the future, starting with a follow-up on the 30 young people who participated, to ensure they were profiting from the lessons learnt.

You are Your Future Workshop Cologne - Du bis ding zokunf

Cologne, 26.04.2016 - It was probably the most powerful kick-off the Sauti Kuu Foundation has ever had for a project: On April 23, 2016, foundation founder and international speaker Dr. Auma Obama presented the initiative "You are Your Future: Du bis Ding Zokunf - wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann?" to more than 10,000 spectators. Specifically, the starting signal was given at the Höhner concert in the Lanxess Arena in Cologne. The Cologne band led by Henning Krautmacher supports the Sauti-Kuu project, which aims to help socially disadvantaged Cologne children and young people to improve their own living situation, and gave it a kick-off with Dr. Auma Obama as the star guest that caused pure goose bumps: Together with the "Grenzenlos" choir - a choir made up of young refugees of various nationalities - they sang the song "Erhebt Eure Stimmen!". Also on hand: songwriter Sebastian Hämer, who wrote the song especially for Sauti Kuu, and RTL presenter Wolfram Kons, who also supports the Cologne Sauti Kuu initiative.
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Act Now Jugendwart 2015

Berlin, 02.11.2015 - Many social, humanitarian and ecological projects depend on the aid of dedicated volunteers. Volunteer work by young people, whether in an association, an initiative or a school class, cannot be taken for granted. With the Act Now Youth Award 2015 we want to honour children and young people who volunteer and encourage others to become socially involved. Powerful voices hereby accept sponsorships to work together for a better world. 

Fit4Future Munich

In 2019, the Auma Obama Foundation Sauti Kuu funded the project "step introduction at Bavarian primary schools" implemented by the Cleven Foundation. 

The project ran for 1 year, 300 children (fourth graders) from predominantly hotspot schools, received fitness bracelets. The steps taken were recorded and transferred to a "class step account" via an interactive website, allowing classes to compare themselves with each other.  
Step was designed to extend the school program into non-school day-to-day activities and measurably increase children's physical activity. The increasing use of digital media was addressed in order to motivate children to lead a more active lifestyle in an appropriate way for the target group. 

The project has been successfully implemented several times by the Cleven Foundation and was designed by Planero GmbH together with the Health Agency Fischimwasser GmbH. Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, sports scientist and health expert, accompanied and evaluated the project together with his scientific team.

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