After a rigorous and intense assessment and vetting process we are delighted that our application to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (German Ministry for Development Corporation) through sequa gGmbH for funding for our SKF-HWK Vocational Education and Training (VET) Partnerships Project was successful.
This Vocational Education and Training Project will be implemented in partnership with the Hanover Chamber of Skilled Crafts (HWK) and the Auma Obama Foundation Sauti Kuu, in Alego, supported by the University of Applied Sciences (FHM) in Bielefeld, Germany.
Other project partners will be the regional vocational training institutions, as well as various business establishments in Kenya. The aim of the project is to improve the practical vocational training in rural Kenya and make it more practice-oriented and better aligned with entrepreneurial needs of industry, while at the same time incorporating necessary social competencies and thus increasing employability of the youth people and improving the standard of delivery.