I hope that despite the fact that the global Coronavirus pandemic continues toaffect all of our lives you are well and healthy. We are now into our fourth month of the Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19) in Kenya. The government has continued the lockdown procedures and we are still unsure as to when things will go back to "normal”.
I hope that in these trying times you are well and healthy.
The global Coronavirus pandemic has effected all of our lives in ways that just a few months ago we could not have imaged. It has touched all our lives. We are all effected; with many of us living through very difficult times. Our thoughts are, in particular, with all those who have lost loved ones, or themselves suffered the illness caused by this virus.
Sauti Kuu hosted our annual Christmas Open Day to showcase and acknowledge the outstanding achievements from throughout the year. The event was attended by Sauti Kuu Youth, Sauti Kuu Parents, SKF friends and family, partners and donors and local leadership. Some of the highlights included StoryMoja Storytelling workshops.